To paraphrase Vane Jones, "Knowledge is of little value until shared with others."

Sunday, February 16, 2020

2020 Chicago O Scale Meet

It's time to get ready for the annual March O Scale Meet officially named the Chicago O Scale Meet. The dates, time, and location are:

March, 13, 14 and 15th, 2020
Westin Lombard Yorktown Center
Lombard, IL

Friday, March 13th
4-9 pm Dealer set-up in Grand Ballroom

Saturday, March 14th
8-9 am Dealers set-up in exhibit halls
9-5 pm Show open to the public

Sunday, March 15th
8:30 am Vendor set-up
9 - 2 pm Show open to the public

A website for the Meet is:

The Westin Lombard Yorktown Center is 2-3 miles from my home. The top of the hotel can be seen from my house. If you plan to attend the Meet and would like to see my layout, please contact me ahead to time. the space in which my layout is located is small with the layout consuming most of the floor footage.

Of all the O Scale Meets held in the United States this Meet has routinely been the largest over the years. From time to time one or another O scale Meet has been larger, but year to year the Chicago Meet has been the biggest. More important to O scale trolley modelers is the increase in vendors selling O scale trolley models.

It's hard to list all of the vendors selling trolley models since it will change slightly from year to year.  


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