There is something interesting about the following page for those who may not have been aware of the friendly relationship between Wagner Car and Q-Car. At the bottom of this page is a CA&E 419 truck power and trail trucks. Of interest are the sideframes and 3rd rail beams made by Q-Car Company. Wagner Car and Q-Car would not duplicate one another's products.
You could get Q-Car sideframes with a Wagner power and trail trucks from Wagner and vice versa. If you were to check Q-Car sideframes verses Wagner's, for side frames which seemed the have the same description; the sideframes were slightly different! The same is true regarding the trolley related products and parts they produced and sold.
Up to this point nothing has been said about the production of the truck booklets. Both Birdie, Rich Wagner's wife, and Rich were aware that in order to have an income from a very selective small market, they had to continuously product products which the market would buy.
Birdie prepared and published "Trolley Talk" and may have had a hand in preparing and publishing the "Trolley Truck" booklets and other publications of Wagner Car Company.
You may not have noticed as the number of sideframes and parts grew, the publications stayed with the same number of pages. The "Trolley Truck" booklets grew to 24 pages. Expanding by 1 or 2 pages was impossible. The booklet had to add multiples of 4 or 8 pages depending upon how they were printed, assembled, and stapled.
Whoever set up the pages with photos and print had to be clever enough to make the layout of the pages work and look correct. Notice how the sideframes are grouped by their use. Credit has to be given to Birdie and Rich for their abilities.
The following is a parts order sheet. The parts sheets were printed back to back. There were parts booklets which will be covered in a separate Post.
The following is a power and trail truck order form. The back of the sheet was printed 90 degrees to the front of the sheet.
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